Unity DOTS: Using EntityManager with Run() and Burst


EntityManager is a property of class ComponentSystemBase, which is not allowed with Burst. Assigning the EntityManager to a local variable can solve this problem.


  • Unity 2019.4.0f1
  • Entities 0.11.1-preview.4
  • Burst 1.3.0-preview.12


Assuming we need to use EntityManager in the ForEach lambda with Run():

public struct SampleComponent : IComponentData { }
public class SampleSystem : JobComponentSystem
    protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
        Entities.ForEach((Entity entity) =>
            if (EntityManager.HasComponent<SampleComponent>(entity))
                Debug.Log($"{entity} has SampleComponent!");

        return default;

However, there is an error in the editor:

D:\Workspace\ecs\Assets\Scripts\SampleSystem.cs(10,9): error DC0002: Entities.ForEach Lambda expression invokes 'get_EntityManager' on a SampleSystem which is a reference type. This is only allowed with .WithoutBurst() and .Run().

That’s because EntityManager is a property of class ComponentSystemBase, which is not allowed with Burst. We can assign EntityManager to a local variable before using it in the lambda:

public class SampleSystem : JobComponentSystem
    protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
        EntityManager entityManager = EntityManager;
        Entities.ForEach((Entity entity) =>
            if (entityManager.HasComponent<SampleComponent>(entity))
                Debug.Log($"{entity} has SampleComponent!");

        return default;

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